Try The PWR Pack Challenge With This Free Kelsey Wells' Workout

Get a taste of what’s to come in Kelsey’s new program for the 2025 Sweat Challenge with this Glutes & Hamstrings session!

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December 13, 2024 - Updated December 13, 2024

Kelsey Purple Set

Want to feel PWRful in 2025? We’re giving you a free sneak peak at Kelsey Wells’ new Sweat Challenge program, The PWR Pack! 

There’s nothing Kelsey loves more than helping women PWR up and smash their goals, whether you’re training at home or in the gym. That’s why she’s created not one but two incredible 6-week Sweat Challenge programs: The At-Home PWR Pack and The Gym PWR Pack. 

If you want to discover just what The PWR Pack is all about before the Sweat Challenge begins on 13 January, why not give this at-home Glutes & Hamstrings workout a go. 

The PWR Pack challenges bring together a curated mix of workouts from Kelsey’s most popular programs - the Eras Tour of PWR, if you will. Featuring sessions from PWR, PWR Zero, PWR Express, PWR Fusion, PWR at Home and PWR Strength, you’ll enjoy three dynamic weekly workouts packed with plenty of variety to help you achieve your strength goals in 2025. So, what are you waiting for? 


2 Exercises / 3 Laps

Good Morning

30 Secs

Glute Bridge & Opening

30 Secs

Strength 1

4 Sets

Barbell Deadlift

8, 8, 8, then 12 reps with up to 90 seconds rest between each set

Strength 2

4 Sets

B-Stance Hip Thrust

16, 16, 16, then 20 reps with up to 90 seconds rest between each set

Strength 3

4 Sets

Romanian Deadlift

10, 10, 10, then 15 reps with up to 90 seconds rest between each set

Strength 4

4 Sets

Double-Pulse Sumo Squat

8, 8, 8, then 12 reps with up to 90 seconds rest between each set

Superset (Optional)

2 Exercises / 3 Laps

Sumo Squat

12 Reps

Kettlebell Swing

12 Reps

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Register for the Sweat Challenge

If you’re a Sweat member, joining the Sweat Challenge is easy! Just tap the “Join the Sweat Challenge” button on the pink banner in your app. If you don’t see the banner, make sure your app is updated to the latest version via the App Store or Google Play. 

Not a part of the Sweat Community yet? Sign up today and download the Sweat app from the App Store or Google Play. Once logged in, click the “Join the Challenge” button on the banner to get started. Take some time to prepare, explore the app’s features, and check out the Community Tab to join discussions and win exciting prizes!

Looking for something different? We’ve got you sorted! Discover more workouts from the new Sweat Challenge programs at the top of the On Demand section. Take a look or give them a try to find the workouts that match your fitness goals perfectly.

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A more empowered you starts with Sweat, and our editorial team is here to bring you the latest fitness tips, trainer recommendations, wellbeing news, nutritional advice, nourishing recipes and free workouts.

Sweat Challenge
Sweat Workouts
Kelsey Wells
Strength Training

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.


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